The qualified candidates of APPECET-2015 desirous of seeking admission into U.G.D.P.Ed., and B.P.Ed., courses for the academic year 2015-16 are informed that the web counseling process comprising of certificate verification will be conducted as per the schedule given below at the following help line centers i.e., 1.Ananthapur: Sri Krishnadevaraya University, 2. Guntur: Acharya Nagarjuna University, 3.Tirupathi: Sri Venkateswara University and 4.Visakhapatnam: Andhra University.
Verification of Original Certificates and submission of Xerox certificates at any Help Line centers: 06 & 07.07.2015.
NCC & CAP Category candidates: 06 & 07.07.2015.
Exercising options for Web based Counseling at any Help Line centers / home / any other internet facility: 07.06.2022 to 09.06.2015.
Verification of Original Certificates and submission of Xerox certificates at any Help Line centers: 06 & 07.07.2015.
NCC & CAP Category candidates: 06 & 07.07.2015.
Exercising options for Web based Counseling at any Help Line centers / home / any other internet facility: 07.06.2022 to 09.06.2015.