Hindustan Newsprint Limited Requires Workmen Trainees
Post Details:
I. Attendant - II Trainee: 13 posts
1. VHSE (Printing Tech.): 5 Posts
2. VHSE (Refrigeration &A/c): 1 Post
3. VHSE (Any Engg. Trade): 7 Posts
II. Attendant - I Trainee: 22 posts
1. ITI (Welder): 4 Posts
2. ITI (Auto- Electrician): 1 Post
3. ITI (Turner): 2 Posts
4. ITI (Machinist): 1 Post
5. ITI (Electronic Mechanic): 2 Posts
6. ITI (COPA & PAASA): 12 Posts
Qualification: X Class, Higher Secondary, ITI.
How to Apply: Candidates fulfilling the prescribed qualifications may send their resume to the Senior Manager (HR & ES) at the address given above along with true copies of certificates, mark lists, recent passport size photograph with enclosing a demand draft or Indian Postal Order for Rs.100 in favour of Hindustan Newsprint Ltd., payable at Ernakulam/ Mevelloor so as to reach on or before 31st July 2015. Applications should be sent only through post.
hindustan newsprint limited (hnl) recruitment 2015 Kottayam
Hindustan Newsprint Limited, Kottayam has issued notification for the recruitment of Apprentice and & Technician vacancies.
HNL - 107 Apprentice Posts (Last date: 25.05.2022)
Post Details:
I. Apprentice: 77 posts
II. Technician (Diploma): 06 posts
III. Technician (Vocational): 24 posts
Qualification: ITI in relevant Trade/ Diploma/ Vocational Higher secondary exam in the relevant trade.
How to Apply: Candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with Bio-data and attested copies of certificates to the Sr.Manager (HR&ES), Hindustan Newsprint Limited, A Subsidiary of Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Newsprint Nagar, Dist. Kottayam, Kerala on or before 25.05.2015.
www.hnlonline.com hindustan newsprint limited (hnl) recruitment 2014 Kottayam application form carrer jobs vacancies.
www.hnlonline.com hindustan newsprint limited (hnl) recruitment 2014 Kottayam
Hindustan Newsprint Limited, Kottayam requires Engineers on Fixed Tenure Basis.Post Details:
1. Assistant Process Engineer: 2 posts
Qualification: B.Tech./ B.E. in Pulp and Paper Technology or Chemical Engineering. 02 years experience.
2. Assistant Maintenance Engineer: 9 posts
Qualification: B.Tech./ B.E. in Electrical/ Mechanical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Applied Electronics & Instrumentation/ Civil Engineering. 02 years experience.
3. Assistant Maintenance Engineer: 1 post
Qualification: B.Tech./ B.E. in Mechanical Engineering. 02 years experience.
How to Apply: Candidates may send their resume in the prescribed format along with true copies of certificates to the Senior Manager (HR&ES) with a demand draft or Indian Postal Order for Rs.100 in favour of Hindustan Newsprint Ltd., payable at Ernakulam/ Mevelloor.
Last date for application: 31.06.2022
Website: http://www.hindustancopper.com/
hindustan newsprint limited kottayam address
Hindustan Newsprint Limited
Newsprint Nagar P.O. - 686 616
Kottayam District
Kerala, India.
Phone: +91 4829 256211 to 256221
Fax: +91 4829 251911
Email: [email protected]
Newsprint Nagar P.O. - 686 616
Kottayam District
Kerala, India.
Phone: +91 4829 256211 to 256221
Fax: +91 4829 251911
Email: [email protected]
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