National Productivity Council has given notification for the recruitment of 459 Examiner vacancies.
Post Details:
Examiner of Patents & Designs: 459 Posts
Age Limit: Between 21 years to 35 years as on 01.08.2015.
Qualification: Degree, Master’s Degree in relevant disciplines.
How to Apply: Candidates can apply online through website.
Last Date to Apply Online: 24.08.2015.
Online Application
NPC is national level organization to promote productivity culture in India. Established by the Ministry of Industry, Government of India in 1958, it is an autonomous, multipartite, nonprofit organization with equal representation from employers’ & workers’ organizations and Government, apart from technical & professional institutions and other interests. NPC is a constituent of the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an Inter Governmental Body, of which the Government of India is a founder member.
NPC teams up with its clients to work out solutions towards accelerating productivity, enhancing competitiveness, increasing profits, augmenting safety and reliability and ensuring better quality. It provides reliable database for decision-making, improved systems and procedures, work culture as well as customer satisfaction both internal & external. The solutions can be all-encompassing or specific depending on the nature of the problem. The council also helps monitor, review and implement the identified strategies. Promotional and catalytic in nature, NPC’s services have bearings on economic growth and quality of life. The Council promotes a comprehensive view of productivity focused on improving triple bottom line - economic, environmental and social and adds value for all the stakeholders through generation & application of advanced knowledge for inclusive Growth.
for Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks
Under Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India
The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for
admission to examination. Their admission to all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional,
subject to satisfying all the prescribed eligibility conditions.
To fill up the registration part of the online application form, please follow the following instructions
i. To apply, Candidate should visit the website:
After arriving at the Homepage, follow the link to: APPLY ONLINE, where the Registration page
will open up for filling in the basic particulars in the appropriate format, as provided.
iii. Candidate must fill in all the required fields. Fields marked with Red Asterisk (*) are mandatory fields
and have to be essentially filled in by the Candidate.
iv. Candidates are required to create a Login ID for Online Registration.
How to create a Login ID for online registration
1. Enter the required Information / Select from Drop-Down menu as given for all the fields in the form.
2. After filling and ensuring all the information has been completely and appropriately filled-in, Click the
button “Submit”.
3. After the successful registration, a Registration ID & Password will be generated and information will
be sent to your registered E-mail ID and valid Mobile Number.
4. You are advised to note down your Registration ID and Password, for all future references and
correspondences, in this regard.
5. All Fields marked with a Red Asterisk (*) are mandatory and required to be necessarily filled,
throughout the application form.
Discipline Applied For: Please select the Discipline that you wish to Apply for the post of Examiner - Patents
and Designs, from the given Drop-Downs. For example, the snapshots are provided as under:
Qualification: Choose the appropriate qualification that you possess from the given Drop-Downs.
Desired Qualification: Please select YES/NO for each of the Desired Qualification from Drop-Downs. If you
possess the required qualification select YES else select NO.
Category: The candidates should fill the appropriate category from amongst the Un-Reserved/OBC/SC/ST.
The Candidates belonging to OBC Category and falling under the 'Creamy Layer’ are not entitled to OBC
reservation as per Government of India Rules. Such Candidates will be treated as belonging to Un-Reserved.
Physically Handicapped: Please select if you belong to Handicapped category. If YES, then you would also be
required to select the applicable sub-category i.e. Visually Handicapped (VH), Hearing Handicapped (HH) or
Orthopaedically Handicapped (OH).
The PH Category Candidates with less than 40% disability will be considered as NON-PH and they will not be
considered eligible for claiming any age relaxation applicable for PH under the Government of India Rules. The
candidates must have the physically challenged/Disability certificate issued from the appropriate authority in
the prescribed form, mandatorily which is issued by the Government Hospital.
J&K Domicile Candidate: Please select YES from Drop-Down, If you were ordinarily been domiciled in the
state of J&K during the period 01-Jan-1980 to 31-Dec-1989. Else, select ‘NO’.
Defence Service Personnel: Please select YES from Drop-Down if you have been a Defence Service Personnel
disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and have been released
thereof. Else select ‘No’.
Ex-Servicemen: You need to select YES as an option if you are Ex-Servicemen/Commissioned
Officer/ECO/SSCO having rendered min. 5 years of service as on 01-Jun-2015 and released thereof. Else select
Candidate’s Name: Please type and provide your Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary
Examination Certificate. Do not use abbreviations in the First/Middle/Last Name.
For e.g. NIMISHA MATHUR should be written as:
Date of Birth: The Candidate should enter the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary
Examination Certificate. Please select the Year of Birth first to activate the calendar options of Month and
The Desirable Age as on 01-Aug-2015 will automatically get calculated.
Govt. Service: In case the candidate is currently employed in a Govt. Organisation, please select YES. Else
select ‘NO’.
Email Address: Candidate is required to firstly enter his/her currently active E-mail ID and re-type it again to
confirm the same. The Copy & Paste option will not work here.
Mobile No.: Candidate will be required to enter his/her Mobile Number that is active for last 1 year and ensure
that the same is not on DND list so that they are able to receive the SMS alerts. Do not prefix with ‘+91’ or ‘0’
while entering your mobile number. Simply Place your complete 10 digit mobile number.
On successful Registration, Candidate’s Unique Application No. will be generated. The Application No. will be
unique for each candidate and a message (as given below) will be reflected on the screen:
Candidate will be required to login for detailed filling of the Application with the allotted Unique Application
No. and Date of Birth (D.O.B) as entered in the Registration form to complete the detailed application form.
Gender: The Candidate should select the applicable Gender from the drop down box menu as shown below.
The candidates will be considered as Indian by default as per the requirement of the Application. Candidate
should note that only Indian citizens are eligible to apply. The others before applying should have the required
certificate issued by the Government of India.
Marital Status:
The candidate should choose from Unmarried /Married /Others from the above drop down menu.
Address: Candidates should fill the correct address for communication and permanent address with correct PIN
Codes. Candidate can select the check box if Address for Communication is same as Permanent Address.
The candidates should furnish and fill the appropriate information correctly, such as:
Examination Passed, Subjects, Board/College/Institute/University, Year of Acquiring Qualification,
CGPA/OGPA Score, CGPA Maximum and % of marks obtained.
NOTE: Please fill CGPA/OGPA Scores achieved and out of CGPA/OGPA Maximum as per the Rules of
Concerned Board/University/Institution and convert these CGPA scores into exact Percentage according to the
rules and regulations of issuing Boards/Institutes/Universities, since the aggregate %age is mandatory. Non
Compliance/Incomplete/unfilled percentages by the candidate while filling the online application form will lead
to disqualification of the candidate’s application for the examination.
Under the Desirable Qualification, as indicated in the Registration form, the candidates must fill-in the details
pertaining to LLB and Certificate/Diploma in Foreign Language, candidate should fill-in details about
Certificate course of minimum six months duration with a diploma/degree from a recognized
University/Institute in German, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese languages only.
Research Experience:
Experience details are to be filled in a chronological order. You are required to enter the details such as
Organization Name (where Research Experience has been gained), Post Held, (Period of Experience) from date
and to date with Total Experience and Job Description.
You will be required to select two preferences for the Preliminary Examination and one preference for the Main
Examination. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates appearing in the examination including all reserved categories.
There will be an undertaking at the end of the application form wherein, the Candidate should declare that all
information furnished in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.
In the event of any information being found false or incorrect, or ineligibility being detected before or after the
examination and their candidature will be cancelled and they will be debarred from any such government
selection / recruitment.
After Undertaking, Candidates have to upload images of their photograph and signature.
1. The photograph uploaded must be with the placard mentioning the full name and date of photograph
taken, by the candidate. The photograph must have been taken only after 1
st July 2015 and not earlier.
2. The candidate should upload the photograph without sunglasses, head scarf, any covering of face or
mask, etc. any undue Photograph uploaded by the candidate shall call for rejection of the candidature
3. The photograph must be taken in a white or a very light background.
4. In the photograph, the face should occupy about 50% of the area, and with a full-face view looking into
the camera directly. No Mobile clicked photos, etc. without given specifications to be uploaded.
5. The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head, any cloth or any shadow.
Forehead, eyes, nose and chin should be clearly visible.
6. If you normally wear spectacles, then glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be
avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses for the photo shoot.
7. You must not wear spectacles with dark or tinted glasses, only clear glasses are permitted.
8. Ask your photo studio to provide the image in a JPEG format and also on a standard 3.5 cm × 4.5 cm
(Width x Height) print.
9. Maximum pixel resolution for JPEG: 480 × 640 (0.3 Mega pixel up to 500 kb) (Ask your studio to
reduce it to this resolution if it is higher).
10. Minimum pixel resolution for JPEG: 240 × 320
11. For your own benefit for recognition and identification during the examination, it is prudent not to
intentionally change your facial features or hair styles as displayed in the photograph until the day of the
1. Please draw a rectangular box of size 2 cm × 7 cm (Height x Width) on an A4 white paper. Put your
signature with a proper black or dark blue ink pen within this box.
2. Get the signature digitally image scanned by a professional using a scanner, and get the image cropped
to the box by the professional.
3. Only JPEG image formats will be accepted.
4. The maximum pixel resolution for the image is 160 × 560
5. The minimum pixel resolution for the image is 80 × 280 (should be fixed upto 200 kb)
6. Photographs of the signatures taken using mobile phone are not acceptable, and can result in
disqualification of the application without any refund of the fee.
The Examination Fee of Rs. 200/- is applicable for the Un-Reserved Category and OBC category and the SC, ST,
PH and Female Candidates are exempted from making any payment towards examination fee. For making the online
fee payment, the candidates have the following three options:-
1. Candidates can pay online using any Visa/Master Debit or Credit Card issued by any Bank.
2. Candidates can pay online using the Net Banking facility.
3. The candidates are required to go through the website “” for complete details
regarding the payment, etc. details.
*Click here for Bank Transaction Charges
Visa/ MasterCard/ Rupay
Card Number:*
Here, the system displays all the information filled in by the candidate in the Online Application for verification
at his/her end. The candidates are advised to check the filled in details and satisfy themselves that all
information is correctly filled in. No changes to the information filled in by the candidates would be allowed at
any later stage of the Online Recruitment Application process once the same is submitted.
Candidates applying online need NOT send hard copy of the Online Application filled by them online or
any other document/certificate/testimonial to CGPDTM by POST or E-mail.
Once the acknowledgement is complete then the Option as under are displayed:
After Taking a Printout of the Application Form, the candidates may click on the SUBMIT button.
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